Tree Removal Burnsville, MN
Our client even managed to get a shot of me in one of the Ash trees taking it down. This particular one I personally did because of the location. It was next to her deck, house, hot tub, and not to forget to mention her fence surrounding her hot tub. She managed to...
Tree Removal Burnsville, MN
These are some action shots of one of my climbers taking down a maple. It’s always nice working for our customers. It’s even more nice when our customers are potentially expert photographers and send us their work of our...
Tree Removal Burnsville, MN
At this particular job site, we were call in to remove 3 ash trees and 1 rather large maple. The job was negotiated to take down the trees, haul the brush, grind out the stumps and leave all the wood. Our client and her neighbors agreed to have a “splitting...